Otipo for the Enterprise
Securing Your Information
Otipo places great importance on ensuring the privacy of your business and its employees. As an SaaS solution, all of Otipo's users automatically enjoy a high level of security that includes:
- Protection against cross-site scripting (XSS),Cross-site request forgery (CSRF),SQL injection,Click-jacking
- Secure SSL/HTTPS connection.
- Access List tables, with which you can set from which computers (IP addresses) employees can access Otipo's scheduling environment.
For organizations and businesses that seek an even higher level of security, Otipo can be installed on a dedicated server on the Otipo server farm. Alternatively, Otipo can be installed on a server in your own server farm (assuming that necessary access can be provided).
Training and Professional services
Fortunately for you, the Otipo system is very easy to use. Our getting started wizard takes you through the set-up process step-by-step and provides insights into how you can get the most out of Otipo. Need help or have a question? An Otipo representative will be available to personally guide you through the process of setting up the schedule based on the structure and needs of your organization. Training options include:
- Teleconferencing, over a regular phone line, Skype or VoIP
- On-site training for your shift manager and additional staff
Customer Support
The Otipo team is always happy to answer your questions and provide ongoing guidance. You can contact customer support using the online chat option on our webpage, call us on Skype, or send us an email. We are committed to providing a high level of customer support. To this end, we offer three levels of service:
- Basic: Email and chat queries from customers on our basic plan are answered within 12 hours.
- Pro: Email queries from our Pro subscribers are answered within just three hours, and teleconferencing sessions can be scheduled as needed.
- Gold: In addition to the services available to our Pro subscribers, our Gold subscribers can take advantage of 24x7 telephone support.
Managing Multiple Locations/Teams with Otipo
Do you want to know more about the scheduling trends for a specific branch or for your organization as a whole? Do you want to be better able to predict employee turnover and shift demand? If your organization or business has more than one brunch, store or team, Otipo's new Management Dashboard can help you answer these and other questions. Otipo lets you:
- Creat and manage separate scheduling environments for each branch, store or team
- Share employees between scheduling environments
- View statistics on employee turnover, hours worked, and more
- Identify behavior patterns, needs and trends in human resources within your organization. This knowledge brings with it improved overall organizational capacity and a corresponding increase in profits
- Generate summary reports for the entire organization for a specigic branches within it

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